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Dates and the Emotional Mind

I don’t know about you but I am very date centered at times. I can remember significant dates and it triggers a deep emotional response. Sometimes the response is happiness and sometimes sadness. Today I am reminded of the emotional power of a date because a very good friend of mine is dealing with this issue today.

The emotional response to specific dates can send the emotional mind in a huge whirlwind and take over. One specific date for me, as an example is my birthday. I struggle every year on that date due to some painful memories I associate with it. This year I DECIDED I was going to have a nice day. Nothing special was planned, I worked, I had lunch with one of my best girlfriends and had a dance lesson. I had a wonderful day. I spent that morning journaling and allowing myself to go to a peaceful place and thus, the cycle of dread and wallowing in self pity was broken. The emotional mind back to center and the wise mind able to function.

We absolutely have control over memories and triggers. We absolutely can decide on

any given day how to gain clarity when we are triggered by dates or anything that makes us paralyzed. Sometimes it means reaching out to others for clarity; a friend, life coach, therapist, partner, whatever you need. The trick is recognizing it! And always remember, we have one life to live and we need to live it!

My dance teacher is always saying to me, feel the music Deb and relax. Enjoy it! When life reminds us of forces beyond our control, when a date triggers a thought or feeling....lower that emotional mind...enjoy the day..Decide!

I am interested in your feelings and thoughts in the comments below and as always..have a wonderful Sunday


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