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Looking back and Being Present

A year...

I know I have not written in a while..I needed to mindfully take a break...self care if you will. March has been so busy, and has moved fast and furious. Today...yes today..I have decided to be still and reflect is a year..a year since the beginning of being pushed in a new direction..I fought it, I was angry about it, I was incapable of understanding how it happened...a year....

For the past 12 months many conversations have started with the count of how many months since things looking back on the conversation, or should I say screaming match, that occurred a year ago and then compare it with where my dancing is now, where my mind is now, where the triggers, anxiety, pain is now...things are so different. Today, a year ago, I felt so last competition, such fun and such different....A year....

Today as part of this reflection I am incredibly grateful to the was exactly what I needed and didn't know I did. I will hit the floor again in May...and for the first time see the people who, a year ago hurt my emotional mind....and while I am sure there will be some anxiety..ok, a lot of anxiety,...I will be ...ok.....because...the healing has happened...the happiness in my dancing and social life has happened...and finally...after a year...the mindful place of peace has happened...a year....

Have a wonderful Sunday


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