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Fear and the Emotional Mind

As I sit this morning and think about the week, this week lent to some very powerful emotions that came up for me. My emotional mind, I felt was a bit on overdrive. Maybe because mercury is in retrograde, maybe because of the moon, but in any event it was there. I felt more tired than usual, but I was sleeping better than usual.

Thursday I had an experience, I feel was life changing, as I sat in a movie theater with about 25 people watching a documentary about Rachel Hollis and her 2 day conference called Rise. The Rise conference focuses on letting go of the pain of the past and how it controls us and gaining clarity on our present. Isn't this what grounding in the emotional mind is all about? YES!!! But why do we let it control us over and over again. I do, don't you?

So I sat and discussed this with people in my world this week. I sat and thought about where I am, where I am happy and where I am stuck and as I sat I realized, MY fears, MY own emotional mind inflation as to where I am stuck. It is fear of people leaving me. Abandonment. Abandonment for me is such a place that almost paralyzes me. And as I reflect of the issues I have had the past year, that theme, that had been dormant for a long time, came back screaming in my emotional mind. It makes me want to be invisible, thus the baggy clothes my friends tell me to get rid of, the paralysis I went through in NY, and so much more.

So the question is....I can't be invisible on the dance floor...It doesn't work. THAT my friends is where I can be in the moment, and just dance...just be me. However lately the emotional mind has been fighting that too. So...with all of this said, my work is to now get back to wise mind. So the next time, and moving forward...I will let the feeling of abandonment go, embrace my life, LIVE my life. This clarity, this A HA moment has had such an impact on me, that I slept 11 hours last night.

In what ways do you feel your emotional mind needs more clarity? Comment below. I would love to hear it.

Have an awesome Sunday. I am heading to the beach!




(856) 298-3651


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