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Mindful Intention

We all live such busy lives. Always going, moving, working, learning. We all say to friends, let's get together and don't. Or we say how busy we are and the days just go into one another. I know I am guilty of this. It is unintentional.

I always write and speak about self care. Recharging. Refilling your emotional water cup. I spend a lot of time on Sundays doing this. Just being quiet, doing mindful things like writing, napping, and doing things that have gotten neglected during the week, like laundry. The one thing I have neglected, I realized, is social. I need to fill that cup too. I need to get out more and meet new people who will engage with me and feed my soul. I need to engage with friends I haven't seen for a while and experience things. I had my cards read recently and one of them was to engage in new things this fall.

So Here is the intention and I am putting it out there, I am vowing to once a week, do something, weather it be a fall fesitval, out with friends, apple picking or what ever....I am going to do this with mindful intention. I am putting this out there so my tribe will make me accountable and hopefully join me.

Unless we put out into the univrrse what we want to do, it is all just talk. I am putting it out there with mindful intention.

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