Pushing Through the Season

Many people tell me they have a difficult time during December. The holidays can bring out the best feelings but in some it is not always that case. I used to say, I wish I could go to sleep after Thanksgiving and wake up January 2nd. Yes...I was one of those who suffered through the holidays.
This started many years ago. So long ago, I can't remember anymore. I still have difficulty through the season. It is not as acute as it used to be, but it is still there. A lingering feeling of sadness. Now, I do try to embrace the feelings I get instead of push them away. Through being mindful and allowing the acceptance of my feelings, I am able to just take it, sadness, happiness, loneliness, joy, whatever the feeling is I accept it. I have found that by accepting it, I am more at peace and calmer. I don't cry as much and find happiness in the things I can control. I find small ways to self comfort, like watching movies and calling a friend.
While the holidays are a beautiful time of year, all the lights and glow, all the activities, and children smiling, it can be hard to get through it. Some reflect back on the year and think of the things they should have done, the losses they have had, or anything else. As you go through the next couple of weeks and engage in other people, I encourage you to reach out to those who you do not hear from, smile at the customer service person who may be a little short with you, buy someone a card who does something small for you, say thank you to all of those people you engage with. You never know what someone else may be struggling with.
As always, mindfully